Cyber Security Awareness For Your Organization.
Think Before You Click


Frank Saulsbery initiated his career in the technology field in 1998 after completing his education in microelectronics. Presently, he is the proprietor of two technology companies and holds several positions on advisory boards, technology peer groups, and cyber security groups. Frank is a frequent speaker on cyber security awareness and digital business protection for various industries and organizations. He is currently residing in central Illinois with his spouse and two adult children.

Frank refers to himself as a reformed technician, and he employs his knowledge and experiences to ensure that all of us can become responsible and secure citizens of the digital world. Approximately seven years ago, he started speaking formally as he realized the growing magnitude of security breaches and costly downtimes that businesses encountered daily. Frank’s combined experience in business management and technology and his passion to solve problems compelled him to interview engineers and business owners and discover what worked, what didn’t, and what was missing.

Frank found an “awareness” gap between technology service providers and business operators. Technical services did not effectively educate users about cyber risks and processes needed to mitigate those risks, while business owners assumed that those risks were being handled by the service providers. Closing this “awareness” gap became Frank’s mission, which led to his goal of educating everyday users in a non-technical seminar called “Building a Human Firewall.” He firmly believes that together, we can protect ourselves from those who prey on the uninformed.